5 January 2025
Book: Ephesians

Speaker: Mike Filippi

We start with the encouragement to be "workmen of the word" able to rightly divide the word of truth i.e. OT/NT, LAW/GRACE

Eph. 3 Mystery revealed...the Church...Commanded to maintain the unity of the Spirit that the Lord gave us and be aware the enemy seeks to destroy

Law v Grace, Demand v. Law - The enemy seeks to cause disunity through division - the greatest threat to the church.

3 things that cause church discipline - 1. Sexual Sin 2. False Teachers 3. Divisive people

If you have issues, concerns or accusations about leadership - do not gossip or be divisive - bring them before the elders

We teach GRACE - Galatians 2:20; Romans 6:6; 2 Cor. 5:17 - We have a new nature in Christ and we are to Rest in His finished work

Know your true identity in Christ - A Saint with a divine nature 2 Peter 1:4 - All things are permissible yet not all things are profitable

We are ambassadors of a different place - Heaven - In the world yet not of the world. Luke 10:19 we have authority. Don't be devourable 1 Peter 5:8

We have everything we need for life and godliness through Christ - 2 Peter 1:3

We want you to know your identity in Christ. This is not a social club it is a boot camp to train and equip you to fight spiritual battles and stand your ground - you are more than a conqueror in Christ.

As teachers we want to be accurate rather than need to be "right"

I teach God's word as best I can by His empowerment and leading. I teach LGBTQ is sin and evil and will kill, steal and destroy

I teach that AA is a tool that is lacking in the power to truly transform and that the only "Higher Power" is Jesus Christ

I teach that we must be informed voters and we need to vote for that which promotes God's holy values

I teach that each believer is filled with the Holy Spirit and is given spiritual gifts by God to serve the body so we can all grow and mature in Christ

It is a new year and a new era here at The Way Church. We all must own it and get involved.

I teach Unity in the Spirit and Love for one another and I teach that we will deal swiftly, biblically and lovingly with all attempts to cause division in the body of Christ. Titus 3:10; Romans 16:17-18; Matthew 18:15-18